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iphone 13 pro service

iPhone 13 pro Repair and Services

Released 2021, September 24
204g, 7.7mm thickness
iOS 15, up to iOS 15.1
128GB/256GB/1TB storage, no card slot

Display Replacement

Cost:  24999Tk

Back Glass Replacement

Cost: 1999 Tk

Button Issue

Cost: 300-2500 Tk

Charging Issue

Cost: 4000-5000 TK

Audio Issue

Cost: 5000-6000 Tk

Booting Issue

Cost: 4000-6000Tk

Charge Draining Issue

Cost: 3000-5000Tk

Battery Replacement

Cost: 4500Tk

Ear Speaker Issue

Cost: 1500 Tk

Error Issue Solution

Cost: 4000-5500 Tk

Camera Issues

Cost: 3000-5000 Tk

Loud Speaker Replacement

Cost: 1500 Tk

Liquid Damage

Cost: 500 Tk

Mic Issues

Cost: 1000-2000 Tk

Face Id Issues

Cost: 5000-6000 Tk

Network Issue

Cost: 3000-5000 Tk

No Light On Display Issues

Cost: 4000-5000 Tk

Power Issue

Cost:3000- 5000 Tk

Front Camera Replacement

Cost: 2500 Tk

Rear Camera Replacement

Cost:4500 Tk

Software Issues

Cost: 400 Tk

Storage Upgrade

Cost: 3000-7000 Tk

Stuck On Logo

Cost: 4000-5000 Tk

Touch Issues

Cost: 5000 Tk

Wifi Issues

Cost: 5500 Tk

Wireless Charging Issues

Cost: 3000-4000 Tk

Temperature High Issues

Cost:3000- 4000 Tk

Cleaning Service

Cost: 400 Tk

Back Glass Change

Cost: 3000 Tk

Charging logic Change

Cost: 2000Tk

Housing Change

Cost: 5000 Tk

Upper Glass Change

Cost: 3500 Tk

iPhone 13 pro repair and services 

iPhone 13 pro is one of the latest models of the Apple brand. Coming with a battery that can last up to 20 hours, it serves quite well. But wait a second. 


Is it a phone without any issue? Issues that will make you suffer? 


No, obviously not. And if you are a user, you already know. Again, if you are a new user, problems may not be visible. But they are damaging your phone. So, it is important to know about the problems and seek the perfect solution. 


Yeah, we are going to do that in today’s discussion. Today the main focused issues will be iPhone 13 pro repair and services and along with that, you will come to know about the perfect places for the solution of the problems like the iPhone Service Center. 


And for your comfort, we will break this article into two main parts. The first part is all about problems. And in the second you will know about the perfect place for a solution. So, I hope this will be a great post for you. And without any further delay let’s jump into the discussion. 


Problems You can experience in iPhone 13 pro


Here the main problems are discussed. We have tried to cover all the basic problems. But some may be left. Overall, it will give an overview.


Display Issue: The display issue is the main issue. Because, if this thing gets damaged your phone won’t be stable. Many other things will arise. 

Like if your display gets damaged, the touch may not work properly. As a result, you won’t find it responsive. Second of all, many hardware issues can arise from it.

Now how can this occur?

Well, this can occur for many reasons but the main is getting down or falling down. Due to this, the display may get cracked. And thus you can face this. 

So, our primary tips will be to use this safely. But if it gets severely cracked once, you need to contact an iPhone Service Center.  

Many times some small crack may occur and you can think this won’t do anything. But be careful. This can also be a great headache in the long run. So, solve it as soon as possible. 


Button Problem: Buttons become the most damaged part of the phone after using it for 2 or 3 years. If nothing happens to any part of the phone. The button may still get damaged. 

But why? 


Due to heavy usage. You know an iPhone user needs the buttons quite often. And as a result, pressure is created in them. And in the long run, they can face severe damage. 

What will make you suffer?


You will suffer from various problems. Like you may not be able to turn it on or off by using the power button.  AGAIN, the volume button damage may take the facility of increasing and decreasing volume easily. 


Hope this is enough to draw the picture in your mind. In the first sense, these may seem solvable by yourself. But don’t try that. It can be called some other things. So, safety is talking with professionals. 


Camera Issue: We all have heard the name and fame of the iPhone’s camera. The iPhone 13 Pro is no different in this case. You will also get a good camera. But at the same time, you have to keep some things in your mind. 

What are they?

Many users complain that the iPhone 13 pro’s camera sometimes becomes blurry. And sometimes it gives blurry images. Many times they also face that the flash comes after taking a photo. Basically, these types of problems are seen. 

You may also fall victim to it. 

So, it’s necessary to fix it immediately.  


Network Problem: Network Problem is another headache for iPhone users. Many times they fail to connect the phone to the internet. And as a result, what do you know? 

They fail to browse the internet. As we all know, smartphones are specially made for browsing the internet. So, if that doesn’t work, what will you do on that. That’s why you need to worry about it. And the iPhone Service Center can easily provide quality work for you. 


Microphone Issue: Many times you may have experienced your recording audio, but when you are opening it no sound is being played. This is the mic issue. 

If the microphone gets damaged then this problem arises. You may even fail to talk over the phone. Similar problems are speaker-related ones. 

The speaker of the iPhone may also get damaged. As a result, you will suffer from inaudible video. Means the video is there but no sound is available. 

And all of this covers audio-related problems. So, for a better experience, you will need to fix the issue immediately. 


Liquid Damage: Liquid Damage is like a hidden problem but does a lot of things. In a word, it can create internal damage without letting you know. 


Generally, there is a part in the Sim tray of the iPhone 13 pro. This part generally remains silver or white. 

But if that changes its color. Then it is sure you are having liquid damage. 

And as soon as possible you need to fix this to make it safe. 


These were the problems that a user of the iPhone might face. We are not saying these are all. Rather others are there. You will find it below. And hope you have got an overview. Now, you can easily identify which problem has occurred inside your phone. 

Where to get a solution for iPhone 13 pro?

The above problems Were the basic issues and can harm the phone. So, it is needed to fix them. At the same time, we want to clear one thing. You can fix some problems in their primary stage. But it is difficult to fix it later. And that’s why need to go to an iPhone Service center. Here at Nur Telecom, We are giving that service. Having a team of technicians, we are providing quality service to our clients. You can choose us and can take iPhone 13 pro repair and services. Call us today.