*** সব ধরণের মোবাইল পার্টসে অফার চলছে, Upper Glass Change, All IC Change এবং Mother Board মেরামতের ক্ষেত্রে কোন ধরনের সার্ভিস চার্জ লাগবে না, শুধু পার্টসের দাম দিলেই হবে। *** আমাদের অনলাইন অর্ডার যথারীতি চালু আছে, আপনার প্রয়জনীয় পন্যটি দেশের যেকোন জেলা থেকে সহযে পেতে এখনি অর্ডার করুন আমাদের সাইটে, অথবা কল করুন +880248122109, 01945663344, 01614956000 এই নাম্বারে, ধন্যবাদ ***

iphone 6 services

iPhone 6 Repair and Services

Released 2014, September 19
129g, 6.9mm thickness
iOS 8, up to iOS 12.4.6
16GB/32GB/128GB storage, no card slot

Display Replacement

Cost:1700-2900  Tk

Back Glass Replacement

Cost:  Tk

Button Issue

Cost: 999 Tk

Charging Issue

Cost: 1499  TK

Audio Issue

Cost: 1999 Tk

Booting Issue

Cost: 999 Tk

Charge Draining Issue

Cost:1499 Tk

Battery Replacement

Cost: 1200 Tk

Ear Speaker Issue

Cost: 1499Tk

Error Issue Solution

Cost: 2499 Tk

Camera Issues

Cost: 1999 Tk

Loud Speaker Replacement

Cost: 999 Tk

Liquid Damage

Cost: 200Tk

Mic Issues

Cost:1499  Tk

Face Id Issues

Cost: Tk

Network Issue

Cost: 1499 Tk

No Light On Display Issues

Cost: 1499 Tk

Power Issue

Cost:1499 Tk

Front Camera Replacement

Cost:999 Tk

Rear Camera Replacement

Cost:1299 Tk

Software Issues

Cost: 400 Tk

Storage Upgrade

Cost:2999 Tk

Stuck On Logo

Cost: 2499 Tk

Touch Issues

Cost: 1499Tk

Wifi Issues

Cost: 1499 Tk

Wireless Charging Issues

Cost:  Tk

Temperature High Issues

Cost:1499 Tk

Cleaning Service

Cost: 499Tk

Back Glass Change

Cost: Tk

Charging logic Change


Housing Change

Cost: 1500Tk

Upper Glass Change

Cost:999 Tk

iPhone 6 Repair and Services at a lower budget!

If you are an old user of apple, then definitely you are familiar with the iPhone 6 model. It was released in 2014 in the month of September. Since then it has drawn the attention of many. And still as a mid range phone it is attracting many users. There is a good chance you are one of them, isn’t it?

And that’s why you have clicked this post. Quite simple. Well, that’s not our main concern, We are going to focus on a different issue today. That is iPhone 6 repair and services. But going to discussion directly may be awkward. So, first of all the problems will be discussed and then we will tell you where you will find the Apple service center in Bangladesh. Hope you are ready for it. Then let’s start with the first one.

Things that will tell it is time for iPhone 6 repair and services!

The heading has already informed you about this part. Yeah, we are going to focus on the problems before the solutions.

First of all here comes the speaker replacement. This problem seems like a headache. Why?  Everything will be okay, but you won’t be able to hear the sound. Imagine the video is being played. But you are not getting any sound. A horrible condition. And that’s why we are saying that the speaker problem is quite horrible. We think you won’t want to face that. So, to get rid of it, you will need to go to an iPhone service center Dhaka.

Next it is time for Glass replacement. You can think of the problem. Yeah, for getting cracked or any other reason the glass may need to be changed. It’s for a better experience. Because, the cracked glass can give some unresponsive touchscreen. You will be disturbed very often. So, it needs to be dealt with properly.

Thirdly, here comes the battery issue. Hearing battery issues can tell you a lot about the problem. Yeah, the problems occur here due to the battery. There are some stages of categories of them. But what are they?  First of all the battery may get thicker. Yeah, at the same time the phone may also. And it will be like a tiny football, ha ha. Just joking. So, where were we? Thickening the battery is the first stage. You can also face the charge draining problem. When the battery will be damaged, how will it store charge? And thus it will give a draining problem. And last of all you will get a dead battery which can lead to hardware damage in the long run. Will you still be calm, after having this problem or go to an iPhone service center?

Now, here comes the network issue. This part will also cover the wifi issue also. Well, we are talking about the network now. If this problem arises you will face some problems like unabling to connect to the network. Again, you can be unable to  use the internet and many of the same. And you can easily imagine how many things you will be detached from. Wifi and network issues both are quite similar. But there are some differences. Both of these can be solved at an iPhone service center in Dhaka.

Next it is the booting issue. You may have heard the word or may not. SO, let me make this clear. Well, the booting issue is a type of problem related to opening an iPhone. If this problem arises you will see that your phone is restarting quite often. Yeah that will be a great hussle for you. But that’s not the end. Rather you will see it’s sticking on the logo of apple. Means no other service. Thus it will be a great headache. The stuck-on logo is similar to it. Both are quite horrible. So, if you want to get rid of it, it is a must to contact an Apple service center in Bangladesh.

After that we are introducing the camera issue. If you have bought the phone for a camera, then this can create a barrier. And for getting rid of it, contacting an iPhone service center in Dhaka is a must.

That’s all about the problem of the iPhone 6. Hope you get the idea.

Where to find an Apple service center in Bangladesh?

You will find many iPhone service centers in Bangladesh. But it is tough to get a reliable one, not impossible. And removing your tensions we are here at Nur telecom giving the iPhone 6 repair and services at a low cost. We are an iPhone service center in Bashundhara city shopping complex. You can easily contact us and get the service very easily. It will do half your work. So, do it today.